Would love to have your own passive income-generating, client-getting book but don’t know where to start?

Cut The Time From Thinking About Writing a Book To Actually Publishing, Promoting and Profiting From Your Very Own Authority Building, Expert Positioning Book To Almost Zero With These 18 Done-For-You Self Publishing Checklists...

  Grab the Full Private Label Rights at the Lowest Price Available TODAY  

Grab the Full Private Label Rights at the Lowest Price Available TODAY



It’s no secret that having your very own book is a fantastic way to position yourself as an authority, celebrity and expert and also generate a boatload of passive income and/or clients...

But the actual process of writing, publishing, promoting and profiting from your very own self published book can be a downright nightmare.

Which is why I’m delighted to have partnered with ‘self-publishing renegade’ and ‘marketing maverick’ John Mulry for my latest checklists release...


Who is John Mulry?

John Mulry is an award winning, trusted Dan Kennedy-trained marketing advisor, speaker, and multi Amazon #1 bestselling author with a unique, deep knowledge that spans both online and offline direct response marketing.

John has self-published best-sellers for himself and his clients and knows how to fast track and turn an idea for a book into a self publishing passive income generating, client getting machine.

How These Self-Publishing Checklists Help You?

Just having a book or an idea for book is no good. You need to able to take that idea and turn it into a book, but not any aul book – a book will people will want, a book they’ll get excited by but also turn that book into the machine that does the majority of the selling for you.

These 18 checklists cover everything from the planning, the positioning, the publishing, the promoting and the profiting from your book, and best of all – everything is covered step by step.

The Point is, publishing a book is one of the

“...Fastest, Easiest and Best Ways to Position Yourself as a Authority, and Turn Your Expertise Into Passive Income Generating Asset That Does Most Of The Hard Work For You.

Just take a look at what two of the biggest authorities in business today Dan Kennedy and Brian Tracy have to say about publishing and profiting from a book:

“By using your book to market your business, you have far more freedom and flexibility. Your book becomes the subliminal sales tool that drives people into your office. For any business, there is no more essential a tool of authority than authorship. One of the very first things I've done every time I've entered a market is write and publish a book on a subject of specific interest to that market.” – Dan Kennedy


“From a business perspective, writing a book is the fastest way to gain credibility, establish yourself as an expert in your field, and build a professional reputation. It can also be used as a promotional item and marketing tool for your business. Think about it: What sort of impression do you get when you meet someone who has become a published author? Without even knowing them, you might assume that if they were able to write an entire book and get it published, they must be an expert.” – Brian Tracy

And John has used his books as his entry points to generate multiple streams of passive income and generate clients for his higher end services and programs and generates consistent results like these month after month.

Success Leaves Clues...

Have you heard the saying success leaves clues?

In that, in order to succeed - there's no need to reinvent the wheel - you should simply model what successful people are doing and you'll be successful too?

We'll take a look at Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tony Robbins, Russell Brunson, John Mulry, Frank Kern, Robert Kiyosaki, Amy Porterfield, Robin Robbins, Lewis Howes, Jordan Belfort, Kaelin Poulin, Tim Ferris, Brendon Burchard, Jeff Walker, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Jim Rohn, Peter Guber, and all of top coaches, consultants, speakers, performers and trainers and experts in their respective fields and you'll notice one common thread amongst them all...

They’re all published authors and they all use a book as the Ultimate Position Tool and the Ultimate Client Attraction Tool in their business.

One that acts like a magnet for them... Attracting the right type of HIGH PAYING "A" clients and helping them spread their message far wider and far deeper than they could ever do on their own...

Four Big Myths About Publishing a Book

Now you may be thinking:

  • Writing a book takes a LONNNNGGG time
  • Writing a book is a hard, tedious and mind numbingly boring process
  • Writing a book is only for the JK Rowling’s and the Stephen Kings of the world
  • And you could also be thinking you need clients yesterday not after you publish a book

If that’s the case I completely understand but much like the famed "the earth is flat" false belief and much like Roger Bannister paving the way (pun intended) for people to run the four minute mile those four 'myths' are mere false beliefs holding you back.

Remember - People were convinced the earth was flat until it was proven otherwise. People were convinced no one could run a mile in four minutes until Roger Bannister emphatically proved otherwise...


I can say with 100% confidence publishing a book will take you and your business to the next level

and your business to the next level and it’ll be your bonafide salesman in print,

working for you 24/7 365 days of the year...

And writing and publishing a book with the sole purpose of attracting high paying clients and generating passive income is a helluva lot easier than you think.

Especially when you use our 18 self-publishing checklists...




Here’s What We Have For You Today

at a Discounted Price

You get these 18 checklists you can easily follow to go from thinking about writing a book to actually writing, publishing and profiting from one… or sell as your own product because of the PLR license:

Not bad right?

But I’m not done giving you value yet, because…

I've convinced John to do a LIVE Training on:

How to Use a Book to Generate An Endless Supply
Qualified Leads and Buyers Without Having To
Actually Write a Book The Traditional Way...

We’re aware that some people see the value in having and using a book to grow their business but don’t want to have t sit down and write a book the traditional way.

Well on this 100% new, advanced (and easier) live training John will be sharing:

  • The #1 shackle holding you back from monetizing your ideas, passions and knowledge and getting clients that CRIPPLED me for YEARS (once you know this, you can attract clients (and generate passive income) at will)...
  • The SECRET WEAPON that allowed a former wrestler from Boise Idaho to turn an idea into a $100 million dollar company in less than 3 years...
  • How to ETHICALLY (and legally) steal MILLIONS of Dollars worth of insider information from a GOLDMINE more powerful than Google, Facebook, and YouTube combined...
  • How to “write” a bestselling book WITHOUT actually writing anything (no it doesn’t involve anything illegal, PLR or expensive ghost writers)
  • How to get a flood of leads and buyers lining up to do business with you, eagerly wanting to give you money AS QUICKLY AS TOMORROW...
  • How to turn your book into a passive income generating machine that generates buyers and cash like clockwork (without you physically being involved in the process)...

You'll discover all this and more when on this bonus and exclusive LIVE training. In fact, I’ve also convinced John to give you TWO super simple strategies you can do to start getting leads and generate passive income as quickly as a couple of hours after the training.

No fluff.

No theories.

This is the training I wished I had when I published my own book was just starting out because I know it would’ve made me tens of thousands of dollars (or more)


I know you worked hard for you money…

So, to help you get a return on your investment faster from this bundle…

...let me give you more great news –


“You Can Sell the Checklists

as Your Own for 100% Profit

Yes! Since these checklists comes with

FULL Private Label Rights...

...you could use theme as your own product.

This means:

  • You CAN turn them into PowerPoint Presentations.
  • You CAN edit, add graphics and re-brand in any way you wish.
  • You CAN claim full authorship.
  • You CAN use them to create a video training course.
  • You CAN add them to a membership site.
  • You CAN use them to build your email list (individual checklists only)
  • You CAN use them to create blog posts or infographics
  • You CAN translate them into different languages

BUT here’s what you CANNOT do with them; You CANNOT sell Private Label Rights. You CANNOT sell Master Reseller Rights. You CANNOT resell these as checklists as they are on JVZoo or WarriorPlus.

This PLR license is a deal

you want in your bag.

Simply because it’s targeted to a wide range of hungry buyers.

Just imagine the number of people wanting to scale their business.

From newbies, to seasoned marketers...

From consultants, offline marketers, affiliates, to product creators…


-majority of people wanting to make money online would want this.

That’s thousands and thousands of ready-to-pay buyers waiting for you.

They’re all out there, willing to invest on the right information about outsourcing.

And you could be the one providing the correct resource to them, and earning in return.

It’s a win-win, and they would even thank you for it.

You could say...

“You Just Found a Stash Full of Book Publishing Secrets to Make Life EASIER

But You May Be Thinking How Much for All of These? 

The content you get from these checklists have been carefully crafted and compiled.

Speaking of quality,

Just Take A Look At What Some Of Your Customers Have To Say About Our Releases:

The ability for someone to follow a proven method step by step like this is tantamount to their success with marketing..

Reed Floren Online Marketing Expert

With the wisdom you get from these checklists…

….you could easily multiply what you currently make in your business.

And with the PLR license, you could easily get your investment back, and even make more.

BUT most importantly ---

You’d be helping a lot of people save time and money by making these checklists available to them.

In short, this bundle of checklists could easily be valued at a thousand dollars.

But you won’t have to pay anywhere near that amount...

...or even half of that…

...nor even a hundred dollars.

...you can get your hands on IM Checklist Volume 9 for a special discounted price of:


For this price, it’s really a steal.

And to help you decide, know that…

“You Get These Amazing Bonus Reports

Valued at $97 as Well”

Solo Ad Escape

Open Rate Explosion

Dropout Entrepreneur

11 Questions To Success


These bonuses have been specially tailored to act as complementary resources to “an already buffed up bundle”.

The reason I’m giving these to you is because I know they’d help you in your business.

And one of the topics in these bonuses might just be what you’re specifically looking for, so here they are.

Now, to ease your questions about what our PLR releases, simply…

“Take a Look at Feedback We Get from People

All Around the World”

As a PAID Customer Just wanted to say Thanks for creating IM Checklist Myself it’s all in the worry of what I may forget. You have removed that fear. Many Thanks

Mike Holthuysen Online Marketer

I did my 1st product launch recently, it was a success, but it would of been so much better if I would of had IM Checklist Volume 1 – Product Creation, by my side…I would not of wasted so much time and missed a few key pieces like leaving my buy button live before the actual launch date started!Another great thing about IM Checklists is they come in many different formats…I have been using the Google Sheets version and it has changed the way I do my affiliate promos…Because they are more than just checklists they provide training and insight into things like market research and different marketplaces, also things like how to get approval as an affiliate…This alone would of saved me a lot of time and anguish, when I 1st got started…I could go on and on, oh yeah and they come with PLR rights so I can and do use them for lead magnets and bonuses…Fantastic product, 5 stars for sure…I highly recommend IM Checklists to anyone and everyone that will listen…

Garry Baker Online Marketer

These checklists have been a great asset in helping me set up my first launch, ensuring that I didn’t miss any steps under tight time constraints.

I highly recommend Kevin’s Fahey’s checklists. These checklists can save you a ton of time and potentially money, especially when you need to check on outsourcers.

I plan on using these checklists for all my future launches. Highly recommended..

Dominic Anderton PLR Marketer

By now, I’ve given you reasons why grabbing this package for reselling purposes is the smart thing to do.

But if you’re still not convinced about the wonders outsourcing could do to your business, let me outline...

“Let’s Take a Look

At Your REALISTIC Options Here”



And spend most of your time and resources going through trials and errors moving forward.

The risk may be a lot bigger than what you’ll reap, especially during the earlier phase.

Which we both know this is the wrong direction.





This is the safest and most profitable choice.

For a limited time…

…you get everything for a small one time investment.


Just one click of the button above and you get instant access to this IM Checklist PLR package…

14 Day, No Questions Asked
Money Back Guarantee!

Although the low pricing makes this a total no-brainer, to make this easy for ANYONE to get now, I’m also going to give you the next 14 days to test it out.

If you think in ANY way that these top-notch checklists are not for you, just send me an email within the refund period and we’ll give your tiny investment back...

So go ahead and check this checklist out today,
click the order button on this page.

If you want to get access to this complete checklist bundle, alongside the powerful training video and bonuses, at the lowest price…

...and start building your business the smart and efficient way today…

Click the ORDER button below to get instant access to everything.

“Let Me Start Building My Wealth

the Smart Way TODAY!”


Let me just congratulate you on reaching this far.

Now I’ve laid all the things you need to get you started.

And I believe that you deserve to prosper.

But it only starts when you act on what I’ve offered you.

It’s your turn to decide.

Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness,

Kevin Fahey


What is Checklist Vol. 10?
Inside, you get access to 18 checklists revolving around the topic of self publishing. Volume 10 contains all the information you need to get things started. PLUS, you get an exclusive training webinar and bonus reports as well.

Why should you get the Checklist?
This is the next best thing to having me show you how to get the best results online. These checklists come from over 10 years of online business experience, and you can get your hands on them today at a big discount.

Who should get this?
Anyone looking to save time, stay focused, and get better results needs this.

How much is this?
Although these are easily worth $197 (or more), you won’t invest anywhere near that today.

What will this do for me?
This is a massive shortcut to success that makes it easy for anyone to copy what I’m doing in my 7 figure online business.

What if I don’t like what I see?
You are protected by our money back deal. You get 14 days to make sure these are for you. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, just let me know and I’ll get you a prompt refund.



Private Label Rights

  • Can edit, add graphics and rebrand anyway you wish
  • Can be used to create video training courses
  • Can be added to paid membership sites
  • Can be translated into other languages
  • Can claim full authorship
  • Can be resold (Personal Use Only)
  • Can be used a build your email list (Individual Sheets Only)
  • Can be used as blog posts or infographics (Individual Sheets Only)
  • Can sell Private Label Rights
  • Can sell Master Reseller Rights
  • Can be resold as Checklists on JvZoo or Warrior Plus