- Make More Money, Save More Time -
And Instantly Tap Into A
Billion Dollar Niche With These
18 High Quality PLR Checklists!

Why You Need To Grab IM Checklist Today?
- Build Instant Authority In a Billion Dollar Niche
- Resell and Keep 100% Profits In Your Pocket
- Hot Niche You Can Tap Into Almost Instantly
- Never Run Out Of Content Ideas
- High Quality PLR
From The Desk of...
Kevin Fahey
Dear Friend,
You want more freedom, more time and more money. But instead you are working extra hard to get your business off the ground.
And you hate it!
Which is why you will want to read every single word on this page very carefully.
Because it very well might be a solution to your problems.
This Is Your Opportunity!

Let me explain...
Webinars can be very profitable, but only if you know what you are doing
And truth be told, most people don't…
It's not a secret, they are definitely good money makers.
They are crucial elements of any digital business.
And it's every marketer’s dream to learn how to put together wildly profitable webinars.
That’s why there’s such a huge demand for information and content around the topic.
Now, really think about it...
There are so many people who are desperately looking for information around webinars:

Affiliate Marketers

Coaches, Speakers and Consultants

Product Creators

Service Providers

Small Businesses

E-Com Store Owners
And all these people...
They Are Looking For You!
Because YOU have the information that they want and need.
This is a Billion dollar niche…
Yes, you read that right! With a capital B.
Just imagine how many people are trying to grow their online businesses...
And every single one of them... Not only want, but actually need information that would help them sell their products on webinars.
And they got their wallets ready and open, waiting for you to take their money!
All you have to do is give them the information they want!
Can you see the potential here?
The opportunity that you have in front of you is MASSIVE!
Don’t let it slip away!

Here’s The Hard Truth

To be able to take advantage of this opportunity and profit in this niche you need high quality, valuable and engaging content.
Problem is...
Content creation is time consuming, HARD and PAINFUL.
And that’s NOT why you started an online business…
Who wants to slave their time away tapping the keyboard all day, right?
Besides if you have never ran a webinar yourself…
How are you going to give your audience the information they want?
I Have Exactly What You NEED!
The perfect solution that will allow you to tap into this MASSIVE Niche…
Save you a lot of time, fast track you to success and stuff your pockets with money!
After all...
You started your online business NOT because you wanted to be constantly stuck in front of your laptop.
Not because you wanted to spend all your time working.

It’s the opposite…
You started your online business because YOU wanted more freedom and more time!
Which is exactly why I created these checklists.
So you would have the knowledge and content that you can share in a wildly profitable niche and…
So you could have all the time in the world to do the things you actually enjoy!
To do the things that actually matter!


1. Creating A Successful Webinar
Creating a solid webinar is a long process, but we make it simple. In this checklist we have compiled most important tasks you need to take care of to create a successful webinar.
2. How To Create And Host A Webinar On GoToWebinar
GoToWebinar is a great platform to run your webinars on which is why we compiled a checklist for you to make sure you are able to create and host a webinar on their platform smoothly.

3. How To Critique Your Webinar
It's always hard to rate your own projects rationally, but the fact is, if you want to have a flawless webinar you have to see your own mistakes. And that's exactly what this checklist is going to help you achieve.
4. How To Plan A Webinar
If you don't plan to succeed you plan to fail. Planning is a crucial step for a successful webinar. In this checklist we have compiled the proven steps that will help you plan your webinar flawlessly.

5. The Ultimate Guide To Webinars
It’s important to Figuring out who your audience is and what type of content they would like to consume during your webinar. This checklist will help you do your research and come up with content your audience will enjoy!
6. Tips For More Sales On Your Webinar
The ultimate goal of any webinar is SALES. And sometimes. even if your webinar content is really good it doesn't necessarily result in sales. This checklist will help you to perfect your pitch and improve other aspects of your webinar that have huge influence on sales.

7. How To Monetize Webinars
Even though most webinar are used to sell a service or a product, there are a ton of other ways to monetize them. In this checklist we compiled all the best ways you can make money from your webinars.
8. Creating Landing Page And Thank You, Page, For Your Webinar
To make sure you get the best ROI possible you need to have high converting landing pages and thank you pages. After all you don't want to waste your traffic, whether it would be free or paid. In this checklist we compiled the best trick and tips to help you make sure you create insanely high converting landing pages and thank you pages.

9. Questions To Ask Selling On Webinars Through Zoom
Q&A part of your webinar can be a very powerful tool. This is your chance to address your potential customer's objections head on and make that sale! In this checklist we compiled the steps how to enable the feature.
10. Tools For Selling On Webinars
When running webinars you have to make sure your content is of the highest quality. To be able to achieve that you need certain tools and in this checklist we have compiled all the most recommended tools for running solid webinars.

11. Setting Up A Group Coaching Webinar Series
One of the best ways to monetize your webinars is by setting up a group coaching. It can save you a lot of time, it's infinitely scalable and very simple to do. In this checklist you'll find the EXACT steps to setting up your own group coaching webinar series.
12. How To Do Webinars For Products You Don’t Own
Often misconception is that you can only do webinars for your own products. But that is not true. Even if you are an affiliate marketer, and you don't have any product of your own, webinars can be wonderful money makers. And in this checklist we compiled all the steps you need to take in order to run an insanely successful webinar for an affiliate product.

13. Setting Up A Paid Webinar Using PayPal
Not all have to be FREE. You can easily run a paid webinar, there are people who are absolutely ready to pay for a solid webinar. In this checklist we show you how to set up a paid webinar using paypal.
14. Guide To Webinar Pricing
If you decide to run a paid webinar, you absolutely need to set accurate price to get the best ROI and have the highest attendance possible! In this checklist you'll learn how to find that golden price point!

15. How To Run A Successful Lead Generating Webinar
Hosting webinars is also an amazing way to generate new leads. In this checklist we show you how to setup a webinar for EXACTLY that purpose!
16. Tips For Presentation Selling On Webinars
Presentation during the webinar is important. And that's a fact. Truth be told, most people don't really know how to present well during webinars. In this checklist we compiled tips that will ensure you have everything it takes to do a flawless presentation!

17. How To Structure Your Webinar Content In The Right Way
Solid webinars have to be structured in a proper way. Otherwise you won't be able to achieve your goal with it. In this checklist you will find a proven structure that you can follow when building your own webinars.
18. Creating A Killer Content For Your Webinar
To have a successful webinar you need it to be filled with KILLER content. It's a must! In this checklist you'll learn EXACTLY how to create content for your webinar that viewers will enjoy and most importantly engage with.

ALL Checklists Come In 5 Different Formats

Printable PDFs
If you prefer having physical copies of your checklists… We got you! Inside you will find Printable PDFs of each checklist that you can print out with a simple click of a button!
Interactive Mind Maps
Each checklist has interactive mind map to help you design, track and analyze your webinar creation process from a birds-eye view.

Interactive Checklists
Creating webinars has never been so simple! Inside you will find interactive checklists that you can use as you are creating your own perfect webinar! Just tick off the box once the task is completed and move on to the next one!
Google/Excel Spreadsheets
If you prefer having your checklists on your computer or inside your google docs account, we have prepared google/excel spreadsheets that you can import and download literally in seconds!

It’s Never Been Easier To Create High Quality Content!

You can use these checklists as they are or simply turn them into any other form of engaging and value packed content in minutes.
It’s that simple!
They will save you a ton of time and make your life so much easier!
This Is Your Golden Opportunity
These checklists will allow you to tap into a billion dollar niche and build authority almost instantly!
Inside you will find over 10 years of marketing experience condensed into powerful checklists full of information that every marketer desires to get their hands on and are willing to pay for!
And whether you decide to use them as they are or edit them to fit your needs, you are guaranteed to have high quality content!
And when you have content like that, there are so many ways you can monetize it!

12 Smart Ways To Learn & Profit!
- Rebrand & Sell Over & Over Again
- Turn Into a Video Product Of Your Own
- Rebrand and Add Theme as an Upsell In Your Funnel
- Turn Into a Webinar Presentation
- Turn Into High Quality Unique Blog Posts
- Use As a Bonus For You Affiliate Marketing Promotions
- Use It As Content For Your Membership Site
- Use Them to Build Your Email List
- Increase The Value Of Your Existing Product
- Use Them In Your Coaching Program
- Translate them into different languages
- Use Them To Setup Your Own Webinars!
Everything’s Going To Change!

No more spending hours on mind-numbing research. No cutting out fun. No working your fingers to the bone from the time you wake to the time you fall asleep.
Just 30 minutes on Saturday afternoon and you'll have an article for your new blog post, a lead magnet for your optin page and a bonus for your affiliate promotion!
You will be shocked when you realize it can be so easy and simple!
Now picture yourself having all the freedom in the world, waking up whenever you want and spending warm and sunny Sundays with your family…
How does it feel?
You see, NOW this is absolutely possible because “IM Checklist” takes all the hard work off your shoulders and lets you REALLY enjoy the results!
But don’t just take my word for it…
Here’s What Our Customers
Say About IM Checklist!

The ability for someone to follow a proven method step by step like this is tantamount to their success with marketing..
Reed Floren Online Marketing Expert
As a PAID Customer Just wanted to say Thanks for creating IM Checklist Myself it’s all in the worry of what I may forget. You have removed that fear. Many Thanks
Mike Holthuysen Online Marketer
I did my 1st product launch recently, it was a success, but it would of been so much better if I would of had IM Checklist Volume 1 – Product Creation, by my side…I would not of wasted so much time and missed a few key pieces like leaving my buy button live before the actual launch date started!Another great thing about IM Checklists is they come in many different formats…I have been using the Google Sheets version and it has changed the way I do my affiliate promos…Because they are more than just checklists they provide training and insight into things like market research and different marketplaces, also things like how to get approval as an affiliate…This alone would of saved me a lot of time and anguish, when I 1st got started…I could go on and on, oh yeah and they come with PLR rights so I can and do use them for lead magnets and bonuses…Fantastic product, 5 stars for sure…I highly recommend IM Checklists to anyone and everyone that will listen…
Garry Baker Online Marketer
These checklists have been a great asset in helping me set up my first launch, ensuring that I didn’t miss any steps under tight time constraints.
I highly recommend Kevin’s Fahey’s checklists. These checklists can save you a ton of time and potentially money, especially when you need to check on outsourcers.
I plan on using these checklists for all my future launches. Highly recommended..
Dominic Anderton PLR Marketer
Why You Need To Secure Your Copy Of

- The price is going up fast! If you close this page and come back later, you’ll end up paying more
- You’ll get your hands on the EXACT process checklists that generated me multiple 6 figures! (Every marketer wants to know these secrets!)
- You can stop wasting your time trying to create your own content from ground zero!
- Become an authority figure in a BILLION dollar niche almost instantly!
- Save countless hours and boost your income!
Plus, Get $250+ In Bonuses For FREE When You


With this mastermind access, you’ll get to…
- Ask questions, and get help where you are stuck by posting in the mastermind group.
- Hang out with other 'IM Checklist' members, and share ideas to move all parts of your business forward.
- Share your success stories with IM Checklist!
Value: $97


With this training access, you’ll get to…
- Learn how you can use PLR in your business to save time and increase your profits FAS
- Get a complete breakdown on how to build a 6 figure online business in the PLR niche.
- Learn additional tips, and tactics that will help you grow your business and make more money with IM Checklist!
Value: $97


With this bundle access, you’ll get to…
- Learn how you can scale your business to $20,000 per month in the fastest way possible!
- Learn how you can explode your email open rates with just a few simple techniques.
- 11 questions that will help you figure out where you are in your business, where you want to be and what you need to do in order to achieve your desired results.
- Find out my story and the “fatal” business mistakes I made during my digital marketing career. And learn how NOT to repeat them!
Value: $97


With this training access, you’ll get to…
- Learn 101 ways you can PROFIT with IM Checklist PLR rights!
- Learn how to repurpose PLR content for maximum results!
- How to use PLR content to make money off of it for a long, long time!
Value: $97


With this training access, you’ll get to…
- Learn how to successfully launch your very own digital product!
- Get ideas how you can use IM Checklists to turn it into your own product
- Learn additional tips, and tactics on product launching from a 7 Figure marketer...
Value: $97

So do NOT sleep on it!
You won’t be able to grab these checklists at this low price forever...
In fact, we're still thinking of making it $97 in the near future...
So don't let this opportunity pass you by…
If you exit now and come back later, you’ll end up paying more...
But YOU don’t have to take any risks!
Because I have...
The Boldest Guarantee In The World

Although the low pricing makes this a total no-brainer, to make this easy for ANYONE to get these checklists now, I’m also going to give you the next 14 days to test it out.If you think in ANY way that these top-notch checklists are not for you, just send me an email within the refund period and we’ll give your tiny investment back…
This Is a No - Brainer
When you grab “IM Checklist” you will soon realize that it’s one of the best decisions you’ve made in your entire marketing career!
Once you get inside the members area you'll realize that NOW you really have the secret to more time and freedom!
And for just $19.95 you get instant access to these incredible checklists and over $485 worth of bonuses FOR FREE!
You are going to go crazy once you see the value inside the “IM Checklist”!
You know that if you want to make money online, you need good content.
But you also know that creating it on your own is very painful and time consuming.
And it keeps you away from doing the things you actually enjoy.
Think about it.
Would you be willing to pay $19.95 if it guaranteed you more time and more freedom?
Of course! Who wouldn’t?!
Well that’s exactly what you are getting with “IM Checklist”!
More time, more freedom and ability to make more money!
And remember, THERE'S NO RISK!
If you don't get any value out of these checklists in less than 14 days, you'll get a full refund. Yes, if they don't help you save more time and make more money... Then you deserve every penny of your purchase back.
I'm that confident.
And I also know you'll love these checklists!
Don't miss this opportunity - it's a limited time offer.
Grab IM Checklist TODAY!
To Your Success,
Kevin Fahey

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the page, here's what I have for you TODAY...
On this page you have a chance to grab the IM Checklist V19: Selling On Webinars for just $18.10.
It’s one of the best PLR products available on the market. And as a member, here's what you get:
- IM Checklist V19: Selling On Webinars. Includes 18 High Quality checklists with PLR rights.
- Each checklist include google/excel spreadsheets, interactive mind maps, interactive checklist and printable PDFs.
- You can use these checklists as they are or turn them into any other form of content super fast based on your needs.
PLUS Irresistible Bonuses:
- Access To a Private Mastermind Group (Value $147)
- 13 Part PLR Video Training Series (Value $97)
- 101 Ways To Profit With PLR (Value $97)
- “7 Figure Entrepreneur” Book Bundle (Value $97)
- IM Product Launching 2.0 (Value $97)
And on top of that you are covered by “no questions asked” 14 Day Money Back Guarantee...
So click the button below to join before this opportunity passes you by and you miss out forever!

What is Checklist Vol. 19?
Inside, you get access to 18 checklists revolving around the topic of Selling on Webinars. The 18 checklists contains all the information you need to get things started. PLUS, you get exclusive training reports as well.
Why should you get the Checklist?
This is the next best thing to having me show you how to get the best results online. These checklists come from over 10 years of online business experience, and you can get your hands on them today at a big discount.
Who should get this?
Anyone looking to save time, stay focused, and get better results needs this.
How much is this?
Although these are easily worth $197 (or more), you won’t invest anywhere near that today.
What will this do for me?
This is a massive shortcut to success that makes it easy for anyone to copy what I’m doing in my 7 figure online business.
What if I don’t like what I see?
You are protected by our money back deal. You get 14 days to make sure these are for you. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, just let me know and I’ll get you a prompt refund.
Private Label Rights

- Can edit, add graphics and rebrand anyway you wish
- Can we used to create video training courses
- Can be added to paid membership sites
- Can be translated into other languages
- Can claim full authorship
- Can be used a build your email list (Individual Sheets Only)
- Can be used as blog posts or infographics (Individual Sheets Only)
- Can Sell Private Label Rights
- Can Sell Master Reseller Rights
- Can Be Resold As Checklists On JvZoo or Warrior Plus