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1. Choose The Right Network
It’s vital that you select the right affiliate platform to promote products related to your niche. Choosing the wrong network could mean the difference between success and failure.
2. Abbreviations and Statistics
Finally an easy way to understand all the technical jargon you see inside affiliate platforms. Knowing what everything means is simply a requirement for you to succeed online.
3. Finding A Profile Niche
The key to a successful promotion is putting the right offer in front of a hungry crowd of people who are actively searching for a solution to a problem or want to improve their results.
4. Product Approval
Finding products to promote as an affiliate should be a process that you follow to make sure that they are perfect for your audience so they will thank you for your recommendations.
5. JVZoo Account Setup
Ensure that you set up your account correctly and provide all of the necessary information so that you receive all of your commissions and don’t face any issues later on.
6. JVZoo Product Research
Discover the best way to find the most profitable and highest converting products on JVZoo related to your niche so that you see more sales and bigger commissions.
7. Warrior Plus Account Setup
Whether you just plan on affiliate marketing or also thinking of creating your own products in future, it’s important you build trust and connect with your audience through your profile.
8. Warrior Plus Product Research
Stop wasting time promoting products that only earn your a few bucks! Use the statistics that WarriorPlus provides you to find affiliate offers that earn you $100’s – $1000’s commissions.
9. ClickBank Account Setup
You’ll have your Clickbank account and payment settings all set up and ready to start receiving big recurring commissions in no time with this checklist.
10. ClickBank Product Research
Understanding the stats and knowing how to use the filters effectively is key to finding the highest converting offers to promote for recurring monthly commissions.
11. Checking The Launch Calendar
If you want people to see your name on the affiliate leaderboards and you want to win big prizes during affiliate contests then you’ll definitely want to jump on board product launches!
12. Affiliate Approval
Avoid your affiliate requests being denied and increase your chances of instant commissions instead of delayed commissions by requesting affiliate approval the right way!
13. Plan Promotions in Advance
If you want to see the best results from your promotions then you need to take your time to set up everything from the offer to the follow up email sequences.
14. List Building With Affiliate Marketing
Why just build the product owners email list when you could be building your own so that you can promote to these proven buyers again and again?!
15. Promotion Emails
Whether your writing your own emails or using swipe files from the affiliate resources page you need to make sure these emails are carefully crafted to make the most sales during and after the launch.
16. Offering & Delivering Bonuses
If you want to increase the chances of someone buying through your affiliate link then offer them incentives and bonuses that they just cannot be without!
17. Product Review
Product reviews are a great way to promote any products but they need to be structured properly and include specific points to encourage someone to click on your affiliate link.
18. Affiliate Marketing - Free Traffic
Without traffic you have nothing but a great offer! You need to drive 1000’s of visitors to your offer where they can’t wait to click that buy button and you can do this for FREE!
19. Affiliate Marketing - Paid Traffic
If you want results FAST then paid traffic is the way to go! You can then measure your results to find which promotions work best and then it’s time to UPSCALE!
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